Commonly Asked Questions

What is your policy regarding diapers?

Learning to use the bathroom is a developmental milestone and happens at all ages. Kiddie Junction truly has a diapers welcome policy and will work with you through the training period. A child is never made to feel uncomfortable with needing assistance regardless of which stage they are in. We celebrate “almosts” as well as successes!

What if my child cries at drop off?

Often children have trouble transitioning from home to school. Our teachers will work with you on an individualized plan to ease your child’s anxiety about starting school.

I have two preschool age children, is there a discount?

YES! We offer a sibling discount as well as a discount for parents who serve in the Military.

What are your student:teacher ratios?

We maintain a 5:1 ratio with 10 children to 2 teachers in our 2’s program, a 7:1 ratio in our 3’s program with up to 14 students and 2 teachers. In our 4’s program we have an 8:1 student teacher ratio with 16 students and 2 teachers in a class.

Will my child be ready for Kindergarten after the 4’s program?

Kiddie Junction has been selected by the Levittown School District to provide UPK for the district. As a result, we follow the recommended curriculum- “Big Day for PreK”. We find it is very comprehensive, covering all aspects of early childhood development.

My child has severe food allergies, how do you manage food handling?

Each child’s allergies are clearly posted in each room and teachers review all student information in advance of the start of school. Safe snacks are provided to students in the half day programs, food does not come in from home. Students who eat lunch at school are required to bring in lunch which is free of nuts and nut products. We are a peanut-aware space, and when something is in question, will remove the aspect of lunch until we can clarify its contents.

What are your security measures?

Although we have an “Open Door” policy for our parents, we are very strict about who enters the building. The front door is in clear view of our office staff. Unfamiliar adults are required to show ID and everyone must be buzzed into our locked facility.

What if someone else comes to pick up my child?

Only people who have been added by you to your child’s pick up list may pick up your child. All persons picking up your child must display a photo ID the first time they pick up, whether or not they are on your pick up list. You may arrange for someone new to pick up your child at anytime.

Do you perform background checks on your employees?

Kiddie Junction is licensed through the NYS Office of Children and Family Services. As a result, all employees in the building have had extensive background checks in order to be in our building and working with our students.

Is staff trained in First Aid and CPR?

Lead teachers and most support staff have been trained in First Aid and CPR.

How do you keep the children safe outside?

Both of our outside play areas are completely contained within a 5 foot tall chain link fence. There is an intercom/phone by the doorway to the playground in case an emergency arises.

During the warmer months, are the classrooms air conditioned?

Yes! Our building temperature is closely monitored for heat and cold. Classrooms are kept at a comfortable 70 degrees.

Is camp staff the same staff as the preschool staff?

Many of our teachers and assistants work over the summer. We do have some staff who return for summers on a regular basis.
